Royal Connections Special Programme
In order to complete this special programme you will need to walk 15 different BWF registered walks that have a connection to either a King, Queen, Prince or Princess (UK/British Royal Family only) on the route. You will need to have at least 1 King, 1 Queen, 1 Prince and 1 Princess across the 15 stamps. A permanent trail or NT/LDW/MDW may be used once per calendar year but must have a different Royal Connection for each year it is used. Main and Series events can be used once per stamp number/year. A Duke/Duchess is acceptable if they also have the title of King/Queen/Prince/Princess. Prince Charles and King Charles would be classed separately if there were separate connections linked to each title on a walk route so could be used each year for a PT/ NT/LDW/MDW.
The intention of the Royal Connections Special Programme was that where a King or Queen was used – they would be the reigning Monarch (not spouse). Also that where Prince/Princess were used that this was linked to an entitlement by birth – not something granted when they married into the Royal Family. Links to lists which may assist are in the FAQ’s below.
The connection may be where they were born, lived, opened a building/bridge etc or went to school/university. [Statues or places named after a person do not count). The King/Queen/Prince/Princess must have been at the location on the walk route.
The IVV stamps entered in the special programme record book must have either a 2025 or 2026 or 2027 date. Only BWF (GB) IVV Stamps will be accepted.
Main and Series events plus Permanent Trails (PT’s) (Year Round Events) as well as National Trails (NT) and Long/Medium Distance Walks (LDW/MDW) can be used.
Entry and redemption is possible by email. The entry fee of £7.00 includes a Woven Cloth Badge and Certificate on completion of 15 walks/stamps and includes UK postage to send the badge/certificate on redemption.
The entry form is available on this page in Word and PDF Format.
Entry opened 0n 1st November 2024 and will continue through 2025, 2026 and 2027 via post or online/email.
The Entry form is available in Word format here
The Entry form is available in PDF format here
A Supplementary card sheet is available here – if you are not wishing to send your complete booklet away – the cards are formatted on an A4 sheet – please cut to size where shown.
If submitting via post, please enclose an A5 Stamped Self Addressed envelope for the return of your record book and send to BWF SP, Helen Elliott, 11 St Ives Close, Macclesfield, Cheshire. SK10 3JX. Please note, more than 2 record books will require a “large” stamp due to the thickness. (8 record books ie 4 walkers x both special programmes will need a large over 100g stamp).
Online/Email entry: To minimise postage costs, you can enter via email/bank transfer payment – your record book will be emailed to you – to print off yourself. It is designed as an A4 sheet, printed on both sides, which is folded down to an A6 booklet. Send the form by email to
A page with a list of Permanent Trails, Series Events, Main Events, National Trails and Long/Medium Distance Walks has been added to the Special Programme menu on the BWF website. Clubs will be requested to advise the BWF if their routes have a Royal Connection. This list is offered as a place to start your walking adventure in discovering Royal Connections. If you come upon an event that is not on the list, use it and then let us know so we can add it to the list
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
The FAQ’s will be added to over time. It is not intended to replace information already on this page or on the entry form. If you do have any questions that are not answered on this page or the entry form then please email
- I wish to enter both the Rivers and Royal Connection Programmes – can I do one bank payment. Yes – please use the payment reference information shown at the base of the entry form. (If entering for multiple persons, 1 payment can be made using a lead surname).
- How quickly will I receive my record book? All the BWF National Committee are volunteers, we aim to process your entry within 2 weeks. We are expecting a higher volume of entries in November when the entry process opens, so your patience is appreciated.
- I’m entering from overseas – what are the costs to enter. Please contact and a cost will be calculated for you depending on your location and number of entries to cover postage of your award. Entry via the online/email process is recommended.
- I’ve not got access to a UK bank account to pay – are there any other options. Please contact and alternative currency payments options will be advised.
- How do I print my own record book. The record book is an A4 double-sided sheet. If you print 1 side and then pop the sheet of paper back into your printer to print the other side. We recommend using a stiff paper or light card for durability and please print in colour if possible (it is fine if it is only in black & white). Once printed the record book can be folded down to the A6 size.
- A number of walks by rivers (eg Windsor Jubilee Trail ) could be considered to qualify for both River and Royal Connection challenges. It is along the Thames and passes Windsor castle so presumably someone could submit and get both record booklets stamped at the same time for just one walk. Yes the walk stamp can be used in both special programme record books from a single walk.
- It says 15 different BWF registered walks yet it says you can do a PT each year? Yes that is correct as the year block will be changed each year, so for example PT94 in 2025 is a different stamp to PT94 in 2026 and 2027, due to the year block being different.
- So could I walk PT94 in 2025 and use it for a King; in 2026 for a Queen and in 2027 for a Prince? Yes you could use the same PT each year but linked to a different Royal Connection for each of the 3 years.
- Could I ask if it is acceptable to use where a Royal was imprisoned and also Buried? Yes that is acceptable as they were/are there.
- Do I complete the record book with the date and name of the royal and specify whether King, Queen, Prince or Princess. Yes the walker should complete the record book before sending it to the walk organiser to add the IVV stamp. It is recommended, especially when seeking multiple stamps from the same walk organiser, that you include a note to advise which “space” to stamp. Where a royal connection is being claimed that is not referenced in the route description or indicated on route by a plaque, stone tablet, information board etc – that you provide evidence to the walk organiser so they are agreeable to stamping your record card.
- You say UK/British Royal Family – how far back can we go? We have said UK to indicate not overseas – however recognise that UK is more recent than British. This website may assist you with identifying eligibility and also indicates who the reigning monarch was. This list (Sovereigns of Britain) may also be helpful to identify the King or Queen eligibility – thanks to a walker for supplying this list.