The Challenge is to complete 100 different BWF registered Permanent Trails. National Trails can be included but each trail will only count once. There is no time limit. Registration Fee - £2.00
Successful participants will receive a certificate and will have the opportunity to purchase an engraved cut glass commemorative award - please contact the Permanent Trails Officer for costs and availability.
Sew on Badges are also available
25, 50 & 75 Trail badges - £ 2.00 each
100 Trail badge- free if other badges purchased or £2.00
Each Badge is approx. 2” square.
To order send Name & Address with copy of PT100 Book (as proof of completion of trails) and cheque for correct amount (payable to BWF) to: PT 100 , Adrian Young, Flat 16 Dillon Heights, 56 Foxgrove Road Beckenham BR3 5FJ
Please send forms to the address above - NOT the address on the form (the form is in the process of being updated)