Welcome to the British Walking Federation Website
BWF Permanent Trails
Just a reminder that the costs of the Permanent Trails that are administered by the BWF itself increased on 1st January 2025, from £1-50 to £2-00 per participation. Individual members can use their 2 free virtual PT vouchers for the BWF PT's. New/updated route descriptions have been added to the website. As advised during 2024, wef 1st January 2026, they will increase from £2-00 to £2-50 per participation
The BWF National Committee have several vacancies for the following roles of Secretary, Individual Membership Officer, Registrations Officer.
If you, or anyone in your Club, are interested in volunteering for any of these roles, please contact the BWF Chairman as soon as possible.
The email address is chairman@bwf-ivv.org.uk
NEW Permanent Trails which opened/re-opened on 1st January 2025
PT341 - Manchester Waterways
PT342 - Great Border City (Carlisle) Historical PT, Cumbria
PT343 - Penrith & Eamont Bridge Historical PT, Cumbria
PT 344 - Katherine's Walk, Bedfordshire
PT 345 - Sherborne Trail, Dorset
PT 67 - Windmill Way, Isle of Wight
PT 174 - Pilgrim Trail, London
Royal Connections Special Programme and Rivers Special Programme - Started 1st January 2025
Entry forms and information are now available from the website menu above - Challenges/Special Programmes. A walk list page is being updated regularly with walks advised as having Royal Connection and/or River.
Contact details when submitting log books for redemption
Please ensure that your walkers include their contact details when sending their log books to the BWF Awards Officer.
Please provide an SAE (with appropriate size / postage) when ordering Supplies. Supplies order should now be sent to the Chairman - a new supplies order form has been uploaded to the BWF Shop page.
Royal Mail - Postage Charges have increased - please check that you have the correct postage rate when sending books and sae's - remember a "large" stamp may be needed if the envelope is thicker than 5mm. Please ensure you put a return address on the back of your envelope.
BWF Awards
Once the existing stock of Award pins & badges have been sold, the BWF will only be providing Certificates at Award levels. Claimants are requested to contact the BWF Awards Officer for up to date price and availability of pins / badges.
As a result of increased costs to the BWF, we are having to increase the cost of the Pins & Badges sold as part of the Award Levels. With immediate effect, the cost will now be £3-00 per Pin & Badge i.e. if you want both, its £6-00.
Series Walk Fees Change - IMPORTANT PLEASE READ.
Walk fees will increase by 50p to £1.00 for member, and non-member walk fees from £1.00 to £2.00. This increase will take effect for Sunday Series Walks starting with the walk on 4th August 2024. The Wednesday Series will remain at current levels for the remaining walks in 2024, but will be charged at the new increased rate for the 2025 season starting next April. This is the first increase in walk fees for at least 15 years.
Medium and Long Distance Walk lists updated to 11 February 2025- available from the Walks menu above. Lists now include the counties the walk passes through
All Permanent Trails on the BWF Website are registered until 31st December 2025
**Lincolnshire Vikings Walking Club**
The entry fee for all permanent trails is increasing from £1.00 to £1.50 on 1st January 2025; at the same time walkers are being requested to pay walk entry fees by bank transfer. Full details are on the LVWC website and on all the walk route descriptions. This change is due to fees being introduced by the bank.
Southampton City Waterfront & Heritage Trail - PT 244 - Amended route 13km with River and Royal Connections
Please contact Carol Jones by email caroljones138@btinternet.com for Ise Valley Vagabonds Permanent Trail information and routes until further notice. The Permanent Trail route descriptions are also available to download from the Ise Valley Vagabonds Permanent Trails Facebook Page
Upcoming Events
Details of the New Club Start Up Club package are available here to help you get a new walking club set up in your area.
Please contact the chairman or any other member of the national committee, details are available from the About Us menu.
If you have any questions please contact us chairman@bwf-ivv.org.uk
This website will provide information on:
- who we are
- the type of walks we provide
- how to join us at our events
- details of member clubs
- how your club can join us
- the IVV and its award scheme
- how you can become a member
If you would like to to know more or become involved please contact us:
Contact address
c/o 11 St Ives Close, Macclesfield, Cheshire SK10 3JX
General Information: info@bwf-ivv.org.uk
Webmaster webmaster@bwf-ivv.org.uk